Thinking out of box

All through our lives we are being taught to  be creative, to think out of box, to think in a way which creates a  niche in the world we live in.

But no one tells , how do we develop the habit of being creative, when all  our lives we are being taught to color inside the lines when we are young, to write in a a structured way , to do things in an ordered way.

Haven’t we questioned this to our “self” when someone has said  us,  to be CREATIVE  ,to think out of box?

So how do we start living in a way where we think, breathe creatively.Where every action is anew to us .

First thing first to cultivate  the idea of creativity  among your child or the generation x, it is foremost that the  children shouldn’t be emphasised for coloring inside the lines. Let their imagination  be beyond  the lines.
They shouldn’t be emphasized  either that an  apple is red in color. Let their curious mind ignite their own imagination and observation .

As for us , The grown ups , all is still not lost . It may be that you too unlike me where not able to get that type of environment  , where the child imagination  and curiosity is given a window  to escape free from the confines of the classrooms.

The grownups can still get CREATIVE SLEEP,if they make it a point  in taking time  to reshape, the already casted thinking into a new way of thinking.

For this,it is essential to do a hobby in spare time. The idea behind  it , is to rejenuvate the ,thinking process.To relax the tensed , strained nerve cells to    get creative sleep.

We all have become so busy in our lives that we don’t spare time for our brain to rest and relax. It is only, when we  take creative sleep ,  only then we can breath – in creativity in our minds.

For example if one is fond of drawing or painting then , even a small stroke or mere scribbling on a paper,can help a person in clearing the cobwebs of work and life. Once that is cleared then one can surely think creatively ie out of the  box!

If love is paid back..

Love ,which is always described as a highest order of feeling is oftenly described as a selfless feeling.

It is not selfless these days when everyone is busy toiling hard in the race to get the best in life.

Young couples , are not ready to bear child ,and give the most pure form of love to their progeny. It’s because they find that it’s a very tiring , never ending process with no surety of return of love.

There are increased incidences of divorces and split between couples , despite being in love for initial days. Love to them has faded away or they measure of love they expected didn’t return?

Don’t know what is the reason for love fading away in our lives .? Have we become profiteering machines where love is used merely for usage .

Whatever is the reason but this is surely going to turn everyone’s life in this earth a living hell if love no longer remains a selfless feeling.

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